The Story of Rabbit R1: How a Small AI Device Became a Big Sensation🌟

Saurabh Mhatre
3 min readJan 20, 2024


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Here is the story of Rabbit R1, as told by its founder and CEO, Jesse Lyu.

Jesse Lyu is no stranger to AI. He has been working in the field for a long time.

But Lyu was not satisfied with the state of AI in the consumer market. He felt that most AI products were either too limited or too complicated for the average user. He wanted to create something that would make AI more accessible, more intuitive, and more fun.

He got the idea for Rabbit R1 in 2022, when he was attending a conference in Las Vegas. He saw a demo of a large action model (LAM), an AI model that can navigate app interfaces and perform tasks autonomously. He was amazed by the potential of LAM, and wondered what it would be like to have such a model in your pocket.

He sketched out a rough design of a small device that would run on LAM, and called it Rabbit. He chose the name because he wanted to convey a sense of speed, agility, and curiosity. He also liked the idea of having a device that would act as a companion, rather than a tool.

The Team:
Lyu knew he needed a team of talented and passionate people to make his vision a reality.

Lyu also wanted to have a strong design team, as he believed that the aesthetics and usability of the device were as important as the AI capabilities. He contacted Teenage Engineering, a Swedish company that specializes in creating innovative and playful products, such as synthesizers, speakers, and cameras. Teenage Engineering agreed to collaborate with Rabbit, and came up with the distinctive look and feel of the R1.

The launch:
After months of hard work, testing, and refinement, the Rabbit R1 was ready to be launched. Lyu decided to unveil the device at CES 2024, the same event where he got the initial inspiration. He booked a booth at the convention center, and prepared a live demo of the R1.

The launch was a huge success. The R1 attracted a lot of attention and curiosity from the attendees, who were impressed by its AI capabilities and its quirky design. The device received rave reviews from the media, who praised it as the future of AI and the next big thing in personal technology. The R1 also sold out its initial batch of 10,000 units in a day, with thousands of pre-orders coming in.

The Rabbit R1 was a hit, and Lyu was thrilled. He thanked his team, his partners, and his customers for their support and enthusiasm. He also said that this was just the beginning, and that he had many more ideas and features to add to the R1. He said that his goal was to make the R1 the best AI assistant ever, and to make AI more human-friendly and enjoyable for everyone.
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